Welcome Message & Introductions!

Forums Managing An HVRP Program Welcome Message & Introductions!


  • This topic has 10 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated by .
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  • #1684
    NVTAC Admin

    Welcome to the discussion on Managing an HVRP Program! This board serves as a community meeting point where you can post any problems, successes, suggestions or questions you may have regarding HVRP grant operations. Community members can review your post and reply with their input.

    There are so many HVRP community members on this forum that we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about who you are and all the great work that you are up to, so please introduce yourself! Here are a few questions to get you started:

    • Who are you?
    • What program do you represent and where is it located?
    • How long have you been an HRVP grantee?
    • What concerns do you have about HVRP grant operations?

    Feel free to share other details in your introduction that will help you connect with others of like experiences and interests.

    Angela Wood-Zuzevich

    This is a great feature! I’m looking forward to learning a lot!

    Jacqueline Johnson

    This is grand!!!!

    This is Jacqueline Johnson with Mary Hall Freedom House T.R.O.O.P.S. Training Reintegration Outreach & Opportunity Program Services. We are an (HFVVWF)Program. We are in our 6th year. Here’s a fun fact; of our 5 FT staff, 4 are veterans and one is the daughter of a veteran. Of our 4 % staff members, 1 is a veteran and 1 is the daughter of a veteran.

    I look forward to gleaning and sharing.

    Cori Di Biase

    Thank you so much, Angela! We look forward to hearing about your successes and challenges as we move forward.

    Warm Regards,


    Cori Di Biase

    Thank you, Jacqueline! Sounds like a great group of folks, committed to serving veterans. I’m sure their background makes a huge difference in their ability to engage with the veterans they serve.


    Thank you Jacqueline! I’d love for you to share your insights about working with homeless women veterans and veterans with families on the Serving Veterans board.

    Kedra Jackson

    Hello my HVRP community. I have been apart of the team for a week now and I am a disabled vet eager to help our fellow veterans find employment. Any advice for the newbies?




    Hi Kendra,

    Welcome to the Knowledge Network! Advice is exactly what we are here for.

    I would highly recommend checking out the NVTAC Grantee Resources page, especially the Training section.

    We also have a section dedicated to HVRPs that are just getting started. You can access self-paced training, Virtual Learning Classrooms, and request custom training. You can access those resources here.

    Please feel free to reach out with further questions or specific needs. We are here to help.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by .
    Cori Di Biase


    Thank you for your note, and your question.

    We also recommend registering for and participating in the monthly ‘live’ Community of Practice:


    This will give you the opportunity to interact directly with your peers in other HVRP programs from around the country, ask questions, and explore challenges and best practices. We’ll be talking about Case Management and Veteran Engagement during our next session in November.

    Also, you might want to check out the ‘Find a Grantee’ page on NVTAC.org. Depending on where you are, there might be another HVRP program nearby. If it is feasible, many new grantees arrange site visits with other projects to get some ‘hands on’ insight.

    Finally, do not hesitate to reach out to the NVTAC team at contact@nvtac.org. We are always here to help!

    Warm Regards,


    Nancy A. Glowacki

    Hello and thank you to all the HVRP grantees for what you do every day to help veterans! My name is Nancy Glowacki. I am not an HVRP grantee but I am a DOL VETS National Office employee. My focus is women veterans and my role at DOL VETS is to ensure we are serving women veterans equitably to make veterans. I am joining the Knowledge Network to learn from you and also to provide information to you when I can. I look forward to the discussions!


    Welcome Nancy! We look forward to learning from your insights as well!

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