
Image Banner for resources training page

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NVTAC understands the need for comprehensive training while addressing other competing priorities.  To help avoid the consequences of inadequate training for new staff — a steep learning curve, a trial and error approach, and poor grant performance — NVTAC has developed support modules that can aid grantees: needs.

(Click to download modules)

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Introduction to HVRP, Partnerships, and AJC Enrollment

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Job Readiness and
Outreach Strategies

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HVRP VLC Handout


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Housing and Supportive Services

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Job Driven Training, Employer Development & Job Placement, AJC Partnership

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Subpopulation Services


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Interventions to Improve Employment Outcomes for Justice-Involved Veterans in HVRP

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Job Retention and Follow-Up

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 Benefits, Work Incentives & Motivation to Work