Serving Women Veterans and Veterans with Families

Forums Serving Veterans Serving Women Veterans and Veterans with Families

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated by .
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  • #2426

    Women Veterans represent approximately 8.5% of all veterans, with the numbers expected to rise as more women return from Afghanistan and Iraq. However, Women Veterans are also are more times likely to become homeless than their civilian counterparts,

    Homeless Women Veterans and Veterans with Families share many of the same challenges as other veterans served by HVRPs, but have additional burdens such as finding child care or a shelter that will accept their children as well as themselves.

    Do you have experience working with Women Veterans and/or Veterans with Families? We would love to hear from you! Please share your experiences and insights on working with such an important special population of veterans below.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by .
    Nancy A. Glowacki

    This is a great forum to share best practices! I am particularly looking forward to seeing the discussion under this thread. If you serve women veterans and/or veterans with families, please share your tips so that all grantees can benefit from shared knowledge. 🙂

    For example, how do you establish trust so that a woman who may have experienced MST feels comfortable opening up to male staff? Or are you able to have women work with women veterans? In your experience, does this matter?

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