Post-Award Conferences

NVTAC understands the struggle to provide comprehensive training while addressing other competing priorities. To help avoid the consequences of inadequate training for new staff — a steep learning curve, a trial and error approach, and poor grant performance — NVTAC has developed multiple training options to support grantee needs.

DOL/VETS Post-Award Conference Sessions

2023 Day 1: The Basics

2023 National PAC Day 1 FAQ

July 25, 2023: Overview of HVRP and Key Acronyms

Recording | Slides

July 25, 2023: Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) 2023

Recording | Slides

July 25, 2023: Terms and Conditions, Incremental Funding, and Closeout

Recording | Slides

July 25, 2023: Conditions of Award, Allowable and Unallowable Costs, Amendments, Key Policies, Guidance, and Resources

Recording | Conditions of Award, Allowable and Unallowable Costs, and Amendments Slides | Key Policies, Guidance, and Resources Slides

2023 Day 2: Partners and Resources

2023 National PAC Day 2 FAQ

July 26, 2023: National Veterans’ Training Institute (NVTI)

Recording | Slides

July 26, 2023: National Veterans’ Technical Assistance Center (NVTAC)

Recording | Slides

July 26, 2023: Partnering with American Job Centers (AJC)

Recording | Slides

July 26, 2023: Case Management

Recording | Slides

July 26, 2023: Resources and Affordable Connectivity Program

Recording | Resources Slides | Affordable Connectivity Program Slides

2023 Day 3: IT Systems/Performance and Reporting

2023 National PAC Day 3 FAQ

July 27, 2023: GrantSolutions

Recording | Slides

July 27, 2023: Payment Management System (PMS)

Recording | Slides

July 27, 2023: VGRS, Performance Indicators, and Outcome Expectations

Recording | VGRS Slides | Performance Slides

July 27, 2023: Corrective Action Plan (CAP)/High Risk

Recording | Slides