NVTAC is excited to welcome you to the Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) grant recipient community. NVTAC’s mission is to provide technical assistance and resources to support HVRP grant recipients’ efforts to cultivate career opportunities for veterans who are experiencing homelessness. This section of the NVTAC website contains materials to support grant start-up activities and your ongoing work with veterans, employers, and partners.
Get Support for Your Ongoing Work with Veterans
Visit our Resource Page to access materials for new and long-standing programs, including operations guides, topic briefs, success stories, discussions about special populations, and more.
Connect with the Community
Engage with your fellow grant recipients and DOL-VETS staff through the NVTAC Community of Practice (CoP), which includes the online Knowledge Network, an e-newsletter, and a monthly virtual meeting.
If you have questions, need assistance or have a success story to share, please contact us.
Contact Us