NASWA Vets Committee Hosts Triage Training Session

NASWA Vets Committee Hosts Triage Training Session

NASWA hosted a webinar on March 4, 2021 to over 203 state workforce agency and federal staff on Veterans Triage – the process where American Job Center customers are assessed for potential eligibility for Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) specialist services. A new triage tool that covers all of the DVOP service eligibility criteria was recently developed by a NASWA Vets Committee work group. The new tool can be customized with each state’s logo, and the content will be maintained by NASWA to maintain accuracy and compliance with DOL-VETS policy. Other presenters on this virtual session were Sam Mitchell (WA), the chair of the NASWA Vets committee, and Lori Adams, NASWA Veterans Policy Director. This session was recorded, and a link provided to everyone who attended along with copies of the tool. For more information, please contact Lori Adams.