
NVTAC understands the struggle to provide comprehensive training while addressing other competing priorities. To help avoid the consequences of inadequate training for new staff — a steep learning curve, a trial and error approach, and poor grant performance — NVTAC has developed multiple training options to support grantee needs.

Training Resources

TPR Video Walkthrough

The National Office provides step-by-step instructions for the following actions in the program year (PY) 2023 Technical Performance Report (TPR) v1.1:

1. Downloading the TPR
2. Troubleshooting blocked macros
3. Planned Goals tab
4. Reporting Period dropdown in Tech Perf Report tab
5. Participant Info tab
6. Service End Date
7. Data entry for carryover participants
8. Post-exit follow-up services
9. Red strikethrough warnings
10. Entering data for future quarters
11. Sort and filter
12. New Enrollment Entry tab
13. Modify/Edit participant records
14. Demographic Summary tab
15. Tech Perf Report tab
16. Total column
17. TPN Action indicators
18. Technical Performance Narrative
19. Goals v. Actual tab
20. Copy/paste from v1.0 to v1.1
21. Paste special values
22. Re-entering Service End Date in v1.1


Overview of NVTAC for Grant Officer Technical Representatives (GOTR)

HVRP Grantee Leadership Training Module

Incremental Funding

The National Office HVRP Team presented a training on Program Year (PY) 2023 Incremental Funding requests for grant recipients on January 5, 2023. The PowerPoint slides and recorded webinar are available below.

Recording | Slides | Training Summary

If you have questions, need assistance or have a success story to share, please contact us.
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