Justice-involved veterans are former service members who have been detained or are under the supervision of the criminal justice system. Over 100,000 veterans are currently in the custody of federal or state prisons. Connecting veterans to legal services or preventative resources at the earliest possible point can make a major difference in the lives of our veterans and their families. To learn more about justice-involved veterans, check out these resources. To suggest a resource, please email nvtac@dol.gov.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Veterans Justice Outreach Program
The mission of the Veterans Justice Programs is to identify justice-involved Veterans and contact them through outreach, in order to facilitate access to VA services at the earliest possible point. Veterans Justice Programs accomplish this by building and maintaining partnerships between VA and key elements of the criminal justice system.
Link | Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist Contacts by State
VA’s Health Care for Re-entry Veterans (HCRV) Services
VA’s HCRV program is designed to promote success and prevent homelessness among Veterans returning home after incarceration. HCRV services include outreach and pre-release assessments, referrals and linkages, and short-term case management assistance on release.
Link | HCRV Specialist Contacts by State
National Legal Aid & Defender Association
NLADA is America’s oldest and largest nonprofit association devoted to excellence in the delivery of legal services to those who cannot afford counsel by supporting those working in public defense and legal aid.
State Courts
This page provides judicial branch links for each state, focusing on the administrative office of the courts, the court of last resort, any intermediate appellate courts, and each trial court level.
State Corrections Agencies
This page provides state corrections agencies links, each containing information about state and local prisons and prisoners held in these facilities.
Federal Bonding Program
If you have questions, need assistance or have a success story to share, please contact us.
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