A Clinical Resource Guide for Community Care Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Clinical Resource Guide for Community Care Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

VA’s National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council collaborated to produce A Clinical Resource Guide for Community Care Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. This guide raises a holistic awareness for the variety of complex needs of people experiencing homelessness, specifically those residing in community care centers which provide 24/7 shelter, urgent care/medical respite level of care, and COVID-19 infection prevention and control measures.

This guide succinctly captures the social and medical complexities that community care center staff may face. The guide first reviews elements needed to create a supportive and inclusive tone, then offers information on basic medical care during COVID-19, and finally reflects on prevalent health conditions.

Ultimately, the goal of this guide is to support the health and safety of vulnerable individuals while they are receiving care in community care centers, as well as inspire a holistic approach for connecting community care center residents with ongoing health care and social supports that can promote their longer-term stability.

Explore the guide here: A Clinical Resource Guide for Community Care Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.